a picture of me, smiling

Will's place for things

Hello I'm Will and this is my wesite. I write mathematics and a bit of fiction. I am a research assistant and doctoral candidate in mathematics at TU Freiberg, Saxony. I also have a few other side-projects. I was previously based in Birmingham, UK.

I research structural and topological combinatorics. You can find my research here.
I write fiction, sometimes poetry. I might share some of that here.
I sometimes make explainers for maths concepts that lack good accessible explanations. These can be found here.
See my side projects here.
I thought it would be fun to have an online list of all the books I have and which ones are leant out and which ones are free to be borrowed by friends. This can be found here.

This website is currently under construction and so are its aesthetics. I'm working on expanding its functionality and making it look a little less rustic.

a painting of a forest pool